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Attention All Agents
Please Review the Telemarketing Sales Rules Below

The below Telemarketing Sales Rules (“Rules”) summarize the Telemarketing Sales Rule (“TSR”), the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TCPA”) and state telemarketing laws. These rules and laws govern your marketing efforts whenever you use the telephone to solicit insurance on behalf of Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company (“GTL”).


These Rules summarize the provisions of the TSR (16 CFR Part 310), TCPA (47 U.S.C. section 227) and any state telemarketing laws including, but not limited to the following:

  1. Any solicitation to sell insurance using the telephone or any equipment that automates phone functions (including SMS and fax) is considered Telemarketing.
  2. Unless an Exception applies as described in 3 below, all Outbound Calls (calls initiated by an agent, telemarketer or lead service) for Telemarketing must:
    1. Obtain a Subscription Account Number (SAN); and
    2. Confirm that the number being called is not on any Do Not Call list.
  3. Exceptions – Outbound Calls can be made, even if the number is on the Do Not Call list if:
    1. There is an Established Business Relationship (“EBR”) between the caller and the consumer. An EBR exists when the consumer purchased a product within the last 18 months or the consumer inquired about a product within the last 3 months. Leads received from a third party do not establish an EBR. However, a telemarketer calling on behalf of GTL may be an EBR if such consumer purchased a GTL product as indicated above; or
    2. The consumer provides explicit written permission to call. Such permission may be an electronic signature or a check-off box indicating the consumer wants the telemarketer to call. The authorization to call must include the consumer’s telephone number.
  4. During any Telemarketing call You must communicate the following:
    1. The total cost of the policy;
    2. Any exclusions or restrictions;
    3. Refund/cancel terms, including any Free Look period;
    4. That GTL is the seller
    5. State the purpose of the call is to sell insurance;
    6. Indicate the type of insurance.
  5. Call Prohibitions –
    1. Abusive calling patterns such as repeated calls, threats, profanity
    2. Calling other than between the hours of 8:00am-9:00pm
    3. Call abandonment (consumer must be connected within two seconds of answering the call.
    4. Failure to transmit the Caller I.D.
  6. In addition to the above, unless express written consent of the consumer is received, there will not be automated calls, robocalls or text messages (SMS) for telemarketing purposes. In order to give consent, a consumer first needs to receive a clear and conspicuous disclosure stating they will receive future automated and/or pre-recorded calls, they need to designate the phone number to be called and be told such consent is not a condition of purchase.

Failure to comply with the Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR) and the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) may jeopardize your appointment with GTL.



Contact GTL’s Sales Support with any questions by texting or calling (800) 323-6907, or email

