Battle Flares Over Long-Term Care Insurance Rate Hike Rules,” by Allison Bell, ThinkAdvisor

“Some regulators want special rules for the oldest insureds and phase-ins of big increases. Trade groups said regulators should stick with rules meant to keep insurers in business. Genworth said some moves to soften rate increase blows may create confusion or lead to bigger total increases. … ‘Deviating from actuarial principles may lead to inadequate premiums, jeopardizing insurer stability and consumer protection,’ according to a letter to the LTC Actuarial Working Group signed by Jan Graeber of the American Council of Life Insurers and Ray Nelson of America’s Health Insurance Plans.’”

LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

“Deviating from actuarial principles may lead to inadequate premiums?” Well, yeah. That’s exactly what’s happened to America’s big entitlement programs which are underfunded to the tune of many trillions of dollars. When the time comes to pay benefits, private LTCI carriers will be able to pay if regulators don’t hamstring them with un-actuarially-based requirements. Hard to imagine the government entitlements will be able to pay benefits, except in vastly deflated dollars.