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In an effort to ensure our Easy Upload tool is easily available to all policyholders, the previous App has been replaced with the following web application.

Easy Upload 2.0
Your policyholders can now use the Easy Upload Mobile App to quickly send us their life & health insurance policy or annuity contract documents in just a few easy steps.


What Can I Upload?
This web application allows the upload of:

  • Any insurance policy or annuity contract related documents.
  • Any new enrollment applications for life & health insurance agents.

Get Help!
For details on getting started, please click here.
Do I have to Install the App?
No installation is needed for this version of Easy Upload. If your device has a camera and can access the web, then simply scan the QR Code to be directed to the new app. You will no longer need to install anything from the app store.
ManhattanLife Easy Upload 2 img

Visit the Easy Upload Site Now

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