Consumer Marketing Tools for LTC & STC insurance
Tools & Resources to Help You Begin the Conversation
The pandemic raised consumer awareness around extended care like nothing else could. Are you now receiving inquiries from clients and prospects about solutions? This is the perfect time to have that important planning conversation with your clients. We’ve collected several educational resources and housed them within Agent Corner!
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What’s included?
- A library of Social Media Graphics
- LTCi Missing Link Consumer Presentation
- Our PIVOT Consumer Presentation
- Lead Letters
- LTCi Learning Tools Flyers (Real People. Real Stories)
- GoldenCare’s LTC 10 Facts Tri-Fold Brochure
- LTC Consumer Video & PowerPoint Presentation
- Genworth Cost of Care Survey (2023 Data)
- Mutual of Omaha’s Determine Your Needs LTC Calculator
- LTC Shopper’s Guide
- LifeHappens Videos
- And so much more!

A Library of Social Media Graphics
Social media & email are excellent ways to share care statistics, facts, personal stories and experiences. We’re pleased to provide an entire complimentary library of infographics and bonus monthly infographics to help you start the conversation!
Our Missing Link Consumer Presentation
This is the Missing Link Consumer Presentation that has sold MILLIONS in Long-Term Care insurance. Demonstrate the need for Long-Term Care insurance with this powerful presentation for your clients and prospects!
A version featuring Short-Term Care / Extended Care Solutions is also available!

Our Exclusive PIVOT Consumer Presentation
Tom Randall’s Pivot Consumer Presentation is ready to present to your clients and prospects! Acknowledging the importance of health history, this deck allows you to seamlessly “jump” to the extended care solution(s) most likely to offer your client protection.
LTC Consumer Video & PowerPoint Presentation
Mutual of Omaha’s Protecting the Things that Matter Most consumer video and Consumer Approved Educational PowerPoint highlight the need for LTCi. Be sure to use the correct version for your state.

Lead Letters & Self-Mailers
Looking to drum up business by sending a letter or self-mailer? We have several pre-approved lead letters and a variety of postcards and other resources for you to download and use!
Many include the ability to customize with your own agent contact information!
Educational Consumer Guides for various insurance products
Many product lines offer educational consumer buyer’s guides, or shopper’s guides. These pieces offer valuable guidance, provide useful insight into the types of policies available, and help one estimate cost and adequate coverage levels for their needs.
Note: Some insurance products require the corresponding Shopper’s Guide be left with clients at some point during the sales process.

Self-Mailer Tri-Folds
Long-Term Care 10 Facts Tri-Fold self-mailer
Critical Cash trifold brochure
ManhattanLife OmniFlex STC trifold
Real People. Real Stories. LTCi Learning Tools Flyers
These flyers are learning tools you can turn into powerful sales tools by describing how an LTCi policy helped both Mutual of Omaha policyholders and their families.
LifeHappens® Videos
If you prefer not to share your own story or experience, visit for unbiased, educational videos of real-life stories to which your clients can relate.
Long-Term Care Tri-Fold Facts Brochure
Customize this Long-Term Care Tri-Fold 10 Facts Brochure to hand out email or mail to your clients and prospects on the importance of planning for LTC.
2022 Genworth Cost of Care Survey
Consider sharing with your clients both the current and projected costs of long term care where they live — or plan to retire, using the latest Cost of Care data from a study Genworth released in 2022. Explore Cost of Care data by city, state or zip code, find trend charts and access states ranked in order of care costs!
Determine Your Needs LTC Calculator
The handy Determine Your LTC Needs calculator on helps to illustrate how much your clients can expect to pay for LTC services in their state.