Homebound MA beneficiaries have higher readmission, mortality risk, study finds,” by Adam Healy, McKnights Home Care

“Medicare Advantage members who reside primarily at home are at a heightened risk of hospital admission, frailty and mortality, according to a new study. … Homebound status was associated with greater odds that a beneficiary would be admitted to an emergency department, inpatient hospital or skilled nursing facility, according to the study. Individuals who were homebound also had higher mortality rates, on average, compared with beneficiaries who were not. Some individuals were more likely to be homebound than others, the researchers found. Women, low-income people, and those who were Medicaid or dual-eligible beneficiaries all had a higher likelihood of being homebound. Homebound beneficiaries were also more likely to have chronic conditions or be frail. People with dementia were about four times more likely to be homebound.”

LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

One more reason home care may increase rather than decrease total LTC costs.