The best way to understand how long-term care insurance can benefit your clients is through stories from our policyholders.

Have you read our claims story flyer on how having a policy made a real difference for Marilyn and her daughter, Melinda? At age 80, Marilyn was living alone in the home she’d shared with her late husband. Chronic knee pain made it hard for her to get around, so family and friends pitched in to help with cooking, cleaning and driving errands. As Marilyn’s knee pain worsened, Melinda urged her mother to see a doctor. An X-ray revealed a meniscus tear and significant osteoarthritis. Marilyn started physical therapy, but when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, her therapy sessions ended abruptly. Stuck at home with little outside help, Marilyn took a fall that injured her right knee. Her orthopedic doctor recommended a total knee replacement. She underwent the surgery but decided against inpatient rehabilitation. Instead, she opted to receive post-op physical therapy at home, which meant she required the services of a home health care provider.

After Marilyn’s fall, Melinda called Mutual of Omaha to initiate the claim. Thanks to her Mutual of Omaha long-term care insurance policy, Marilyn was able to get the care she needed as she focused on her recovery. Today, she’s back to managing on her own.

Read the full story here and help clients understand the benefits of a long-term care policy.

If you have any questions, please contact Mutual of Omaha’s Sales Support at (800) 693-6083 or e-mail

How LTCi Impacts People’s Lives-Real Stories
