GTL | Introducing One-Time PIN Client Signatures

NOW AVAILABLE A new easy way to capture your client’s signature on the Agent Portal!

View Updated Signature Guide

When you reach the Client e-Signature screen on the Agent Portal, you will now have the option to select One-Time PIN.

Capture your client’s signature in two easy steps.

GTL One-Step PIN Client Signatures

Step 1

Enter your client’s cell phone number and select “Send Code”. Inform the applicant they will receive a text message with a verification code. The code is valid for 15 minutes.

GTL One-Step PIN Client Signatures

Step 2

Ask the applicant for the verification code to capture their e-Signature. Select “Confirm” to verify the one-time code.

Please note: This new One-Time PIN feature is replacing Text-to-Sign and is available on the GTL Agent Portal only.

Access GTL’s Agent Portal

Contact GTL’s Sales Support with any questions by texting or calling (800) 323-6907, or email

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