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It’s that time of year again!

As we approach the 4th quarter, be sure you’re following up on your conversations with business owners and key decision makers at employer groups now.

NGL 2023 Tax Summary Brochure imageTake a look at our Tax Summary for additional information on how businesses large or small may get a tax deduction for purchasing plans on their owners or their employee and their spouse, too! Get their LTCi plans in place as soon as possible so they can get their premiums paid in 2024 for 2024 tax deduction for the business.

Submitting applications now will help you have as much time as possible before the end of the year for the application to be underwritten and for the business to get the premium paid.

For agent inquires contact your dedicated NGL Agent Services Team at 888.505.2332 or For sales questions contact the Long Term Care Sales Team at

It’s that time of year again!

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