LTSS increasingly expensive, with fewer guardrails and more demand to come: new KFF analysis,” by Josh Henreckson, McKnights LTC News

“Increasingly expensive long-term services and supports should prompt serious questions about how to meet the needs of the aging US population, say the authors of a new KFF report on senior care trends. Monday’s report from the health policy research group highlighted rising costs across the senior care spectrum that already far outstrip the incomes and savings of vulnerable older adults. … Making matters worse, the report showed the ineffectiveness of existing safety nets such as long-term care insurance and reminded readers of the rapidly aging demographics in the US. … Of the more than 7.1 million Americans paying long-term care insurance premiums in 2021, only 80,352 made claims, according to KFF.”

LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

KFF is pretty good for data usually, but this report really strikes out on policy. As always KFF makes no effort to ask or explain why America’s LTC system is so messed up. Consequently, they do not identify the underlying problem, too much government central planning, financing and regulation. And their silly comments on LTCI really annoy. Only 80,352 filing claims out of 7.1 million paying premiums? That’s how insurance works! The big question is whether benefits will be paid when due, often decades later. The answer to that question for private insurance is YES. But for Social Security and Medicare, much less Medicaid, the answer is NO. Stick to the numbers, KFF. Leave policy to others.