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Explain Short-term Care insurance your way

When one health care situation leads to in-home or skilled nursing assistance, it can quickly deplete your clients’ funds. Short-term Care insurance not only helps clients maintain an active lifestyle while aging in place but also makes sure their retirement savings are well protected.

But explaining Short-term Care insurance to clients can be a tricky task. Wellabe offers tools and resources to help you through the process.

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Highlight the key points
Our Short-term Care insurance presentation can be used with individuals or larger groups. And you can practice presenting using the presentation notes, so the whole process goes as smooth as possible.
Consumer Video image

Share our Short-term Care insurance video
The Short-term Care insurance video offers another method to explain how the product works. View it with your clients or send it to them prior to meeting so they can be well prepared to discuss their options.
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Walk through a checklist
This quick Short-term Care insurance checklist can be used to break down the decision-making process and help clients customize their Short-term Care plan.
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Provide an in-depth quote sheet
Fill out our Short-term Care insurance quote sheet with your clients to help them understand their monthly payment.

Check out the Short-term Care insurance page on the agent portal for more tools and sales materials.

Access tools

Please contact Wellabe at 800-547-2401, option 3.

Make more Short-term Care insurance sales


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