Minimum wage increases in 21 states,” by Kathleen Steele Galvin, McKnights Senior Living

“Twenty-one states and 48 local jurisdictions rang in the new year with an increase to the minimum wage on Jan. 1, according to the Polsinelli law firm. Comparatively, 22 states and 40 local jurisdictions began last year with minimum wage increases. In 55 of the 69 total places for 2025, the minimum wage will be at least $15 per hour, and in some of those areas, the minimum will be at least $17 per hour, according to the National Employment Law Project.”

LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

I wonder how many those states raised their Medicaid LTC reimbursement levels to enable LTC providers to pay the higher wages? My guess: none. But CMS’s compulsory increased staffing mandate no doubt marches ahead.