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Submit ACE Medicare
Supplement Applications

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Quote & Apply

Agents can quote and apply for ACE Medicare Supplements on the CSG Actuarial e-application platform! Access the tool on the ACE portal or any CSG site, including the widely used CSG APP inside MedicareCENTER.
E-Application Features

  • Simple, easy to use navigation
  • Autosaves and stores incomplete and submitted applications
  • Underwrites health conditions and medications in real-time
  • Notifies agent of any errors in the application
  • Signature methods include in-person, email, text or wet signature
  • Monthly premium adjusts with discounts, underwriting and plan selections

PDF Guide


Tutorial Video


CSG Dashboard - ACE MedSupp eApp

To learn more about the E-Application Platform, contact GoldenCare at 800-842-7799 or email marketing@goldencareusa.com.
