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Recent Challenges and Update

The estimated $8 billion in damages caused by May’s storm had a profound impact on infrastructure and property. This staggering number underscores the immense devastation felt in the affected regions, emphasizing the critical importance of immediate recovery and rebuilding efforts to address the aftermath of the storm.

The storm hit Thursday night, May 16, 2024, at roughly 6:30 PM CST. After it passed, there was no time wasted in activating our Natural Disaster Contingency Protocols. By Monday, the staff was transitioned to WFH or relocated to our other building while engineers assessed damages and their construction crews began restorations.

In examining new business applications and claims data for the periods before and after the storm, we noted no noticeable impact upon application and claims processing. In terms of the volume: New Business and Claims processing remained average.

Today we are happy to report that a majority of home office employees have returned to the office. We truly appreciate your well wishes!


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