Reports reveal best, worst states for retirement, falls among older adults,” by Kimberly Bonvissuto, McKnights Senior Living

“Senior living operators looking to capture a greater share of the growing prospective resident population might want to check out Delaware, named the top state for retirees by Bankrate’s 2024 Best States to Retire study. The state is tops for retirees this year due to residents well-being, weather and reasonable affordability, according to Bankrate. According to the Bankrate survey, No. 2 West Virginia, No. 3 Georgia, No. 4 South Carolina and No. 5 Missouri round out the top five best states for retirement this year. Landing at the bottom of the rankings were No. 50 Alaska, No. 49 New York, No. 48 Washington, No. 47 California and No. 46 North Dakota.”

LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

Washington State ranks poorly but insists WA Cares knows best.