StrateCision Comparison Tool Access

LTC Advisor is a state-of-the-art system for advising clients on Long-Term Care and Hybrid insurance.

A sales tool for insurance professionals
A training and reference tool on all aspects of LTC / STC and hybrid insurance
A competitive analysis too for comparing policies
All at your fingertips!

Agent Corner Login

Log in using the fields to the right to access GoldenCare's exclusive Agent Corner for access to our premier tools.

New User? Scroll down to the New User Registration section and complete the one-time process for registration.
Access is NOT immediate — please allow up to 24 hours for the system to refresh!

Existing Users Log In


Forgot Username or Password

LTC / STC and Hybrid Comparison Access

You must be a GoldenCare appointed Agent to access the comparison tools. Please log in or register below to access:
LTC / STC Comparison Tool
Hybrid Comparison Tool
Not contracted and want to use these tools? Watch the Demo Video to the right and jump start your sales with these and other tools, using our Contracting Made Easy

Watch the LTCi Tool Video

This is a one-time registration process to create your account. Complete all fields in the form below and click Register.
Please Note: Access is granted manually and can take up to 4 business hours. Any submitted outside normal hours will be handled early the next morning.
New User Registration

*Required field