The definition of what it means to be “middle market” is a moving target. It depends on where you live and which numbers are used at the top and the bottom of the scale. Generally speaking, middle market buyers fall into the $50k to $150k annual income per household category. They may not live paycheck to paycheck; however, may be reluctant to pay large annual premiums or lump sum payments.

These middle market buyers need long-term care solutions that are affordable and manageable. Traditional LTCi is customizable to fit the needs of each individual based on their needs and financial situation. Find out what benefits may be added to a policy in order to make affordability easy for your clients with this Sales Idea Flyer.
If you have any questions, please contact Mutual of Omaha’s Sales Support at (800) 693-6083 or e-mail

Understanding Middle Market Buyers: Their Profile and the Necessity of Long-Term Care
